mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016


University of Aveiro (UA) is a leading university in Portugal with expertise in different fields of knowledge.
It is a  Research & Development university, with research departments developing programmes in fundamental and applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, telecommunications, robotics, bioinformatics, sea science, materials, design, business administration and industrial engineering.

Lousada municiality: has as one of the most important purposes the promotion and support of the education in Lousada. The Municipality created in 2007 the Commission for Qualification of Lousada Council Population – CQPCL, which integrated all public and private schools of the council, the national institute for employment and training, the entrepreneurial association of Lousada and private companies. This Municipality is also involved on the offer of cultural and environmental education actions to school age children. In collaboration with UA, Lousada municipality designed a ‘green strategy’ for Lousada, and the 2016 Environment Year. It is also important to underline that Municipalities centralize a vast information on the local cultural and natural patrimony, and have a deep knowledge of the major local threats and windows of opportunity.

E.N.T.E.R. GmbH is a private company specialized in the dissemination and promotion of results and outputs of European Union granted projects. 

 Leave No Trace Ireland : this institution is the leading Irish NGO in promoting good outdoor activity practices, environmental education and on the concept of zero footprint, namely with schools.

It is a secondary school placed in Baza (Granada), Spain. There are  approximately 1000 students and 90 teachers. Baza is located in a rural zone, of scanty industrial and managerial development. For that reason the project is orientated to stirring the entrepreneurship into action and to facilitate initiatives of access to the work, what can be very beneficial for the local, national and international zone.  Besides the secondary education and the bachillerato, there are several Vocational Trainings, which determine the vocation of linking the education with the labor and managerial world.

mercoledì 17 febbraio 2016



What is this project about?

Sustainable development has become a global concern in the last decades. Younger European generations have been raised aware of global environmental issues, but have not been engaged in actively contributing to those ‘global problems’ through stepwise local actions. Youngsters are not aware of their potential as active citizens and their role in the sustainability desired by modern societies. And in fact, young citizens could be a major force of imprinting sustainability concepts in society.

IMPRINT+ aims at the promotion, at a transnational level, of an ecological reasoning based on the changing power of local community and on the participation, empowerment and entrepreneurship of young European citizens. A training methodology involving both students and educators will be implemented, stressing the concept that each person has an ecological footprint that should be (over)compensated, if the ecological, social and economical balance is to be achieved. As a result of the training of youngsters and educators, and of a strong IT-based dissemination strategy, the project foresees the engagement of a much wider audience. 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

lunedì 15 febbraio 2016


Imprint+ è un progetto intersettoriale, ambizioso e di ampio respiro, che coinvolgerà diversi soggetti: università, istruzione superiore, municipalità ed enti locali: Universidade de Aveiro-Campo Universitario de Santiago (Portogallo), Municipio de Lousada (Portogallo), Leave No Trace Ireland (Irlanda), Ies Pedro Jimenez Montoya (Spain), E.N.T.E.R. GmbH (Austria), I.I.S.S. “Cipolla-Pantaleo-Gentile”.

Le attività, di volta in volta proposte, avranno lo scopo di sviluppare negli studenti ,così come pure nella collettività , capacità operative e di azione  atte a creare  una società ecologica e solidale, con nuovi stili di vita, strettamente correlati a una cittadinanza consapevole e partecipata.
Ampio spazio sarà, altresì, dato all’imprenditoria giovanile nell’ambito della “green economy”.

Studenti delle terze classi dovranno creare virtualmente delle start-up con relativo business plan. I suddetti lavori saranno giudicati da una Commissione, a livello internazionale, con possibilità di tradurre , in termini concreti, quanto realizzato in forma teorica.

Al fine di poter portare avanti , al meglio, le diverse attività, è stato creato, all’interno della scuola uno staff di docenti/esperti che si occuperanno di aspetti salienti: Anna Neri (responsabile); Anna Maria Agate e Francesco Saverio Calcara (piano di disseminazione e contatti con enti, associazioni e autorità locali/regionali e nazionali) ; Angela Lentini (informatica); Anna Maria Gucciardo e Anna Maria Sammartano (asse scientifico); Mirella Bivona ( spagnolo), Melchiorre Leggio (Arte).